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What is an academic essay

What is an academic essay

what is an academic essay

Essay writing is the trend of the day. Whatever we do – study or work – we rush, because there is always plenty of work to do and no time at all. Therefore, many students and employees choose to buy cheap essay instead of writing it themselves academic essay. What is an academic essay? For our purposes, we can define an academic essay as a document that has a defined structure – an introduction, a body and a conclusion. What are the main types of academic essays? If we look at the intent of the An academic essay is a focused piece of writing that develops an idea or argument using evidence, analysis and interpretation. There are many types of essays you might write as a student. The content and length of an essay depends on your level, subject of study, and course requirements

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A clear sense of argument is essential to what is an academic essay forms of academic writing, what is an academic essay, for writing is thought made visible. Insights and ideas that occur to us when we encounter the raw material of the world—natural phenomena like the behavior of genes, or cultural phenomena, like texts, photographs and artifacts—must be ordered in some way so others can receive them and respond in turn.

This give and take is at the heart of the scholarly enterprise, and makes possible that vast conversation known as civilization. Like all human ventures, the conventions of the academic essay are both logical and playful.

They may vary in expression from discipline to discipline, but any good essay should show us a mind developing a thesis, supporting that thesis with evidence, deftly anticipating objections or counterarguments, and maintaining the momentum of discovery. Motive and Idea. An essay has to have a purpose or motive; the mere existence of an assignment or deadline is not sufficient. When you write an essay or research paper, you are never simply transferring information from one place to another, or showing that you have mastered a certain amount of material.

That would be incredibly boring—and what is an academic essay, it would be adding to the glut of pointless utterance. Instead, you should be trying to make the best possible case for an original idea you have arrived at after a period of research.

Depending upon the field, your research may involve reading and rereading a text, performing an experiment, or carefully observing an object or behavior. By immersing yourself in the material, you begin to discover patterns and generate insights, guided by a series of unfolding questions. From a number of possibilities, one idea emerges as the most promising.

You try to make sure it is original and of some importance; there is no point arguing for something already known, trivial, or widely accepted.

Thesis and Development. The essay's thesis is the main point you are trying to make, using the best evidence you can marshal. Your thesis will evolve during the course of writing drafts, but everything that happens in your essay is directed toward establishing its validity. A given assignment may not tell you that you need to come up with a thesis and defend it, but these are the unspoken requirements of any scholarly paper.

Deciding upon a thesis can generate considerable anxiety. Students may think, what is an academic essay, "How can I have a new idea about a subject scholars have spent their whole lives exploring?

I just read a few books in the last few days, what is an academic essay, and now I'm supposed to be an expert? We can't possibly know everything that has been, or is being, thought or written by everyone in the world—even given the vastness and speed of the Internet.

What is required is a rigorous, good faith effort what is an academic essay establish originality, given the demands of the assignment and the discipline.

It is a good exercise throughout the writing process to stop periodically and reformulate your thesis as succinctly as possible so someone in another field could understand its meaning as well as its importance.

A thesis can be relatively complex, but you should be able to distill its essence. This does not mean you have to give the game away right from the start. Guided by a clear understanding of the point you wish to argue, you can spark your reader's curiosity by first asking questions—the very questions that may have guided you in your research—and carefully building a case for the validity of your idea. Or you can start with a provocative observation, inviting your audience to follow your own path of discovery.

The Tension of Argument. Argument implies tension but not combative fireworks. This tension comes from the fundamental asymmetry between the one who wishes to persuade and those who must be persuaded. The common ground they share is reason, what is an academic essay. Your objective is to make a case so what is an academic essay any reasonable person would be convinced of the reasonableness of your thesis.

The first task, even before you start to write, is gathering and ordering evidence, classifying it by kind and strength. You might decide to move from the smallest piece of evidence to the most impressive. Or you might start with the most convincing, then mention other supporting details afterward.

You could hold back a surprising piece of evidence until the very end. In any case, it is important to review evidence that could be used against your idea and generate responses to anticipated objections.

This is the crucial concept of counterargument. If nothing can be said against an idea, it is probably obvious or vacuous. And if too much can be said against it, it's time for another thesis. By not indicating an awareness of possible objections, you might seem to be hiding something, what is an academic essay your argument will be weaker as a consequence. You should also become familiar with the various fallacies that can undermine an argument—the "straw man" fallacy, fallacies of causation and of analogy, etc.

The Structure of Argument. The heart of the academic essay is persuasion, and the structure of your argument plays a vital role in this.

To persuade, you must set the stage, provide a context, and decide how to reveal your evidence. Of course, if you are addressing a community of specialists, some aspects of a shared context can be taken for granted.

But clarity is always a virtue. The essay's objective should be described swiftly, by posing a question that will lead to your thesis, or making a thesis statement. There is considerable flexibility about when and where this happens, but within the first page or two, we should know where we are going, even if some welcome suspense is preserved. In the body of the paper, merely listing evidence without any discernible logic of presentation what is an academic essay a common mistake.

What might suffice in conversation is too informal for an essay. If the point being made is lost in a welter of specifics, the argument falters. The most common argumentative structure in English prose is deductive: starting off with a generalization or assertion, and then providing support for it.

This pattern can be used to order a paragraph as well as an entire essay. Another possible structure is inductive: facts, instances or observations can be reviewed, and the conclusion to be drawn from them follows.

There is no blueprint for a successful essay; the best ones show us a focused mind making sense of some manageable aspect of the world, a mind where insightfulness, reason, and clarity are joined. Copyrightwhat is an academic essay, Kathy Duffin, for the Writing Center at Harvard University. Skip to main content. Main Menu Utility Menu Search. Harvard College Writing Program HARVARD. FAQ Schedule what is an academic essay appointment Writing Resources English Grammar and Language Tutor Departmental Writing Fellows Writing Resources Writing Advice: The Barker Underground Blog Contact Us.

Motive and Idea An essay has to have a purpose or motive; the mere existence of an assignment or deadline is not sufficient. Thesis and Development The essay's thesis is the main point you are trying to make, using the best evidence you can marshal, what is an academic essay. The Tension of Argument Argument implies tension but not combative fireworks. The Structure of Argument The heart of the academic essay is persuasion, and the structure of your argument plays a vital role in this.

Writing Resources Strategies for Essay Writing How to Read an Assignment Moving from Assignment to Topic How to Do a Close Reading Overview of the Academic What is an academic essay Essay Structure Developing A Thesis Beginning the Academic Essay Outlining Counterargument Summary Topic Sentences and Signposting Transitioning: Beware of Velcro How to Write a Comparative Analysis Ending the Essay: Conclusions Revising the Draft Brief Guides to Writing in the Disciplines.

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what is an academic essay

Here at Write My Academic Essay, we believe that effective communication is the Key to our overall success as an organization. In light of this, we have a firm conviction that effective communication with our clients will go a long way in improving the quality of our products and services academic essay. What is an academic essay? For our purposes, we can define an academic essay as a document that has a defined structure – an introduction, a body and a conclusion. What are the main types of academic essays? If we look at the intent of the What Is an Academic Essay? In a nutshell, an academic essay is a structured form of writing students face in school, college, and university as a part of their curricula. The most common purposes of such writing are to either present some new pieces of information or to use existing facts and knowledge to deliver specific ideas

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