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Islamic banking essay

Islamic banking essay

islamic banking essay

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Islamic philosophy is a development in philosophy that is characterised by coming from an Islamic tradition. Two terms traditionally used in the Islamic world are sometimes translated as philosophy—falsafa literally: "philosophy"which refers to philosophy as well as logicmathematicsand physics ; [1] and Kalam literally "speech"which refers to a rationalist form of Islamic theology.

Early Islamic philosophy began with Al-Kindi in the 2nd century of the Islamic calendar early 9th century CE and ended with Averroes Ibn Rushd in the 6th century AH late 12th century CEbroadly coinciding with the period known as the Golden Age of Islam. The death of Averroes effectively marked the end of a particular discipline of Islamic philosophy usually called the Peripatetic Islamic school, and philosophical activity declined significantly in Western Islamic countries such as Islamic Iberia and North Africa.

Islamic philosophy persisted for much longer in Muslim Eastern countries, islamic banking essay, in particular Safavid Persia, Ottoman and Mughal Empires, where several schools of philosophy continued to flourish: AvicennismAverroismislamic banking essay, Illuminationist philosophy, Mystical philosophy, islamic banking essay, Transcendent theosophyand Isfahan philosophy. Ibn Khaldunin his Muqaddimahmade important contributions to the philosophy of history.

Interest in Islamic philosophy revived during the Nahda "Awakening" movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and continues to the present day. Islamic philosophy had a major impact in Christian Europewhere translation of Arabic philosophical texts into Latin "led to the transformation of almost all philosophical disciplines in the medieval Latin world", islamic banking essay, with a particularly strong influence of Muslim philosophers being felt in natural philosophypsychology and metaphysics.

Islamic philosophy refers to philosophy produced in an Islamic society. Because it is not necessarily concerned with religious issues, nor exclusively produced by Muslims[3] many scholars prefer the term "Arabic philosophy. Islamic philosophy is a generic term that can be defined and used in different ways. In its broadest sense it means the world view of Islam, as derived from the Islamic texts concerning the creation of the universe islamic banking essay the will of the Creator.

In another sense it refers to any of the schools of thought that flourished under the Islamic empire or in the shadow of the Arab-Islamic culture and Islamic civilization. In its narrowest sense it is a translation of Falsafameaning those particular schools of thought that most islamic banking essay the influence of Greek systems of philosophy such as Neoplatonism and Aristotelianism.

Some schools of thought within Islam deny the usefulness or legitimacy of philosophical inquiry. Some argue that there is no indication that the limited knowledge and experience of humans can lead to truth. It is also important to observe that, while "reason" ' aql is sometimes recognised islamic banking essay a source of Islamic law, it has been claimed that this has a totally different meaning from "reason" in philosophy, islamic banking essay.

The historiography of Islamic philosophy is marked by disputes as to how the subject should be properly interpreted, islamic banking essay.

Some of the key issues involve the comparative importance of eastern intellectuals such as Ibn Sina Avicenna and of western thinkers such as Ibn Rushd, [5] and also whether Islamic philosophy can be read at face value or should islamic banking essay interpreted islamic banking essay an esoteric fashion.

Supporters of the latter thesis, like Leo Straussislamic banking essay, maintain that Islamic philosophers wrote so as to conceal their true meaning in order to avoid religious persecutionislamic banking essay, but scholars such as Oliver Leaman disagree. The main sources of classical or early Islamic philosophy are islamic banking essay religion of Islam itself especially ideas derived and interpreted from the Islamic banking essay [7] and Greek philosophy which the early Muslims inherited as a result of conquests, along with pre-Islamic Indian philosophy and Persian philosophy.

Many of the early philosophical debates centered around reconciling religion and islamic banking essay, the latter exemplified by Greek philosophy. In early Islamic thought, which refers to philosophy during the " Islamic Golden Age ", traditionally dated between the 8th and 12th centuries, two main currents may be distinguished.

The first is Kalamwhich mainly dealt with Islamic theological questions, and the other is Falsafaislamic banking essay, which was founded on interpretations of Aristotelianism and Neoplatonism. There were islamic banking essay by later philosopher-theologians at harmonizing both trends, notably by Ibn Sina Avicenna who founded the school of AvicennismIbn Rushd Averroes who founded the school of Averroismand others such as Ibn al-Haytham Alhazen and Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī.

In Islamic banking essaythe word literally means "speech". One of the first debates was that between partisans of the Qadar قدر meaning "Fate"who affirmed free will ; and the Jabarites جبر meaning "force", "constraint"who believed in fatalism.

At the 2nd century of the Hijraa new movement arose in the theological school of BasraIraq. A pupil of Hasan of BasraWasil ibn Ataleft the group when he disagreed with his teacher on whether a Muslim who has committed a major sin invalidates his faith. He systematized the radical opinions of preceding sects, particularly those of the Qadarites and Jabarites. This new school was called Mu'tazilite from i'tazalato separate oneself. The Mu'tazilites looked in towards a strict rationalism with which to interpret Islamic doctrine.

Their attempt was one of the first to pursue a rational theology in Islam. They were however severely criticized by other Islamic philosophers, both Maturidis and Asharites.

The great Asharite scholar Fakhr ad-Din ar-Razi wrote the work Al-Mutakallimin fi 'Ilm al-Kalam against the Mutazalites. In later times, Kalam was used to mean simply "theology", i. the duties of the heart as opposed to or in conjunction with fiqh jurisprudencethe duties of the islamic banking essay. Falsafa is a Greek loanword meaning "philosophy" the Greek pronunciation philosophia became falsafa, islamic banking essay.

From the 9th century onward, due to Caliph al-Ma'mun and his successor, ancient Greek philosophy was introduced among the Arabs and the Peripatetic School began to find able representatives.

Among them were Al-KindiAl-Farabiislamic banking essay, Avicenna and Averroes. Another trend, represented by the Brethren of Purityused Aristotelian language to expound a fundamentally Neoplatonic and Neopythagorean world view. During the Abbasid caliphatea number of thinkers and scientists, some of them heterodox Muslims or non-Muslims, played a role in transmitting Greek, Hindu and other pre-Islamic knowledge to the Christian West.

They contributed to making Aristotle known in Christian Europe. Three speculative thinkers, Al-Farabi, Avicenna and Al-Kindiislamic banking essay, combined Aristotelianism and Neoplatonism with other ideas introduced through Islam. By the 12th century, islamic banking essay, Kalamattacked by both the philosophers and the orthodox, perished for lack of champions.

At the same time, however, islamic banking essay, Falsafa came under serious critical scrutiny. The most devastating attack came from Al-Ghazaliwhose work Tahafut al-Falasifa The Incoherence of the Philosophers attacked the main islamic banking essay of the Peripatetic School. Averroes, Maimonides ' contemporary, was one of the last of the Islamic Peripatetics and set out to defend the views of the Falsafa against al-Ghazali's criticism.

The theories of Ibn Rushd do not differ fundamentally from those of Ibn Bajjah and Ibn Tufailwho only follow the teachings of Avicenna and Al-Farabi. Like all Islamic Peripatetics, Averroes admits the hypothesis of the intelligence of the spheres and the hypothesis of universal emanation, through which motion is communicated from place to place to all parts of the universe as far as the supreme world—hypotheses which, islamic banking essay, in the mind of the Arabic philosophers, did away with the dualism involved in Aristotle's doctrine of pure energy and eternal matter.

But while Al-Farabi, Avicenna, and other Persian and Muslim philosophers hurried, so to speak, over subjects that trenched on traditional beliefs, Ibn Rushd delighted in dwelling upon islamic banking essay with full particularity islamic banking essay stress.

Thus he says, "Not only is matter eternal, but form is potentially inherent in matter; otherwise, it were a creation ex nihilo " Munk, islamic banking essay, "Mélanges," p. According to this theory, therefore, the existence of this world is not only a possibility, as Avicenna declared, but also a necessity. In early Islamic philosophy, logic played an important role.

Sharia Islamic law placed importance on formulating standards of argument, which gave rise to a novel approach to logic in Kalambut this approach was later displaced by ideas from Greek philosophy islamic banking essay Hellenistic philosophy with the rise of the Mu'tazili philosophers, who highly islamic banking essay Aristotle 's Organon.

The works of Hellenistic-influenced Islamic philosophers were crucial in the reception of Aristotelian logic in medieval Europe, along with the commentaries on the Organon by Averroes. The works of al-FarabiAvicennaal-Ghazali and other Muslim logicians who often criticized and corrected Aristotelian logic and introduced their own forms of logic, also played a central role in the subsequent development of European logic during the Renaissance.

According to the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy :. For the Islamic philosophers, logic included not only the study of formal patterns of inference and their validity but also elements of the philosophy of language and even of epistemology and metaphysics. Because of territorial disputes with the Arabic grammarians, Islamic philosophers were very interested in working out the relationship between logic and language, and they devoted much discussion to the question of the subject matter and aims of logic in relation to reasoning and speech, islamic banking essay.

In the area of formal logical analysis, they elaborated upon the islamic banking essay of termspropositions and syllogisms as formulated in Aristotle's Categories, De interpretatione and Prior Analytics. In the spirit of Aristotle, they considered the syllogism to be the form to which all rational argumentation could be reduced, islamic banking essay, and they regarded syllogistic theory as the focal point of logic.

Even poetics was considered as a syllogistic art in some fashion by most of the major Islamic Aristotelians. Important developments made by Muslim logicians included the development of "Avicennian logic" as a replacement of Aristotelian logic.

Avicenna 's system of logic was responsible for the introduction of hypothetical syllogismtemporal modal logic and inductive logic. Other important developments in early Islamic philosophy include the development of a strict science of citationthe isnad or "backing", and the development of a method to disprove claims, the ijtihadwhich was generally applied to many types of questions, islamic banking essay.

Early forms of analogical reasoninginductive reasoning and categorical syllogism were introduced in Fiqh Islamic jurisprudenceSharia and Kalam Islamic theology from the 7th century with the process of Qiyasbefore the Arabic translations of Aristotle's works.

Later, during islamic banking essay Islamic Golden Agethere was debate among Islamic philosophers, logicians and theologians over whether the term Qiyas refers to analogical reasoning, inductive reasoning or categorical syllogism. Some Islamic scholars argued that Qiyas refers to inductive reasoning.

Ibn Hazm — disagreed, arguing that Qiyas does not refer to inductive reasoning islamic banking essay to categorical syllogistic reasoning in a real sense and analogical reasoning in a metaphorical sense. On the other hand, islamic banking essay, al-Ghazali —; and, in modern times, Abu Muhammad Asem al-Maqdisi argued that Qiyas refers to analogical reasoning in a real sense and categorical syllogism in a metaphorical sense.

Other Islamic scholars at the time, however, argued that the term Qiyas refers to both analogical reasoning and categorical syllogism in a real sense. The first original Arabic writings on logic were produced by al-Kindi Alkindus —islamic banking essay, who produced a summary on earlier logic up to his time. The first writings on logic with non-Aristotelian elements was produced by al-Farabi Alfarabi —who discussed the topics of future contingentsthe number and relation of the categoriesislamic banking essay, the relation between logic and grammarand non-Aristotelian forms of inference.

Averroes —author of the most elaborate commentaries on Aristotelian logic, was the last major logician from al-Andalus.

Avicenna — developed his own system of logic known as "Avicennian logic" as an alternative to Aristotelian logic. By the 12th century, Avicennian logic had replaced Aristotelian logic as the dominant system of logic in the Islamic world.

The first criticisms of Aristotelian logic were written by Avicenna —who produced independent treatises on logic rather than commentaries. He criticized the logical school of Baghdad for their devotion to Aristotle at the time. He investigated the theory of definition and classification and the quantification of the predicates of categorical propositionsand developed an original theory on " temporal modal " syllogism.

Its premises included modifiers such as "at all times", "at most times", and "at some time". While Avicenna — often relied on deductive reasoning in philosophy, he used a different approach in medicine, islamic banking essay. Ibn Sina contributed inventively to the development of inductive logicwhich he used to pioneer the idea of a syndrome.

In his medical writings, Avicenna was the first to describe the methods of agreement, difference and concomitant variation which are critical to inductive logic and the scientific method. Ibn Hazm — wrote the Scope of Logicin which he stressed on the importance of sense perception as a source of knowledge.

Fakhr al-Din al-Razi b. Systematic refutations of Greek logic were written by the Illuminationist schoolfounded by Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi —who developed the idea of "decisive necessity", an important innovation in the history of logical philosophical speculation, [16] and in favour of inductive reasoning.

Avicenna 's proof for the existence of God was the first ontological argumentwhich he proposed in the Metaphysics section of The Book of Healing. Avicenna's proof of Islamic banking essay existence is unique in that it can be classified as both a cosmological argument and an ontological argument, islamic banking essay. The proof is also "cosmological insofar as most of it is taken up with arguing that contingent existents cannot stand alone and must islamic banking essay up in a Necessary Existent.

Islamic philosophy, imbued as it is with Islamic theologydistinguishes more clearly than Aristotelianism the difference between essence and existence.

Whereas existence is the domain of the contingent and the accidental, essence endures within a being beyond the accidental. This was first described by Avicenna 's works on metaphysicswho was himself influenced by al-Farabi.

Some orientalists or those particularly influenced by Thomist scholarship argued that Avicenna was the first to view existence wujud as an accident that happens to the essence mahiyya.

Islamic banking essay, this aspect of ontology is not the most central to the distinction that Avicenna established between essence and existence. One cannot therefore make the claim that Avicenna was the proponent of the concept of essentialism per segiven that existence al-wujud when thought of in terms of necessity would ontologically translate into a notion of the "Necessary-Existent-due-to-Itself" wajib al-wujud bi-dhatihiwhich is without description or definition and, in particular, without quiddity or essence la mahiyya lahu.

Consequently, islamic banking essay, Avicenna's ontology is ' existentialist ' when accounting for being— qua —existence in terms of necessity wujubwhile it is essentialist in terms of thinking about being— qua —existence in terms of "contingency— qua —possibility" imkan or mumkin al-wujudmeaning "contingent being". Some argue that Avicenna anticipated Frege and Bertrand Russell in "holding that existence is an accident of accidents" and also anticipated Alexius Meinong 's "view about nonexistent objects.

The idea of "essence preced[ing] existence" is a concept which dates back to Avicenna [23] and his school as well as Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi [24] and his Illuminationist philosophy, islamic banking essay.

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islamic banking essay

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