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A g gardiner essays

A g gardiner essays

a g gardiner essays

 · In On Habits by A.G. Gardiner we have the theme of routine, independence, anxiety, control, change and jealousy. Taken from his Windfalls collection the reader realises after reading the essay that Gardiner may be exploring the theme of routine. Gardiner finds himself at a loss without his pencil. It is the tool he uses for writing and regardless of how nice the pen is Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins  · Merkezi Sistem (Uydu) Diafon Sistemleri. Su Yalıtımı The essays of Gardiner are marked with a note of pleasant humour. There are occasional satirical touches also in the essays but the spirit of comedy is never lost. Anecdotes and episodes often make their appearance in his essays. Each essay is based on sonic personal anecdote or experience of the author. It is this personal note which provides winning charm to the essays

Short Story Analysis: On Superstitions by A.G. Gardiner - The Sitting Bee

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. Alfred George Gardiner —a British journalist and author, is highly regarded in the literary arena. From he contributed to The Star under the pseudonym pen name Alpha of the Plough.

The story behind the choosing of the name is interesting. At the time, The Star had several anonymous essayists whose pseudonyms were the names of stars, a g gardiner essays.

His essays are uniformly elegant, a g gardiner essays, graceful and humorous. His uniqueness lay in his ability to teach the basic truths of life in an easy and amusing manner. The Pillars of Society, Pebbles on the Shore, Many Furrows and Leaves in the Wind are some of his best known writings. On Saying Please The young lift-man in a City office who threw a passenger out of his lift the other morning and was fined for the offence was undoubtedly in the wrong.

This, of course was carrying a comment on manner too far, a g gardiner essays. Discourtesy is not a legal offence, and it does not excuse assault and battery.

If a burglar breaks into my house and I knock him down, the law will acquit me, and if I am physically assaulted, it will permit me to retaliate with reasonable violence. It does this because the burglar and my assailant have broken quite definite commands of the law, but no legal system could attempt to legislate against bad manners, or a g gardiner essays sanction the use of violence against something which it does not itself recognize as a legally punishable offence.

And whatever our sympathy with the lift-man, we must admit that the law is reasonable. Our fists would never be idle, and the gutters of the City would run with blood all day. I may be as uncivil as I may please and the law will protect me against violent retaliation. I may be haughty or boorish and there is no penalty to pay except the penalty of being written down an ill-mannered fellow.

It does not recognize the laceration of our feelings as a case for compensation. There is a g gardiner essays allowance for moral and intellectual damages in these matters. This does not mean that the damages are negligible, a g gardiner essays. It is probable that the lift-man was much more acutely hurt by what he regarded as a slur upon his social standing than he would have been if he had a kick on the shins, for which he could have got a legal redress.

The pain of a kick on the shins soon passes away but the pain of a wound to our self-respect or our vanity may poison a whole day. I can imagine that lift-man, denied the relief of throwing the author of his wound out of the lift, brooding over the insult by the hour, and visiting it on his wife in the evening as the only way of restoring his equilibrium.

For there are few things more catching than bad temper and bad manners. When Sir Anthony Absolute bullied Captain Absolute, the latter went out and bullied his man, Fag, whereupon Fag went out downstairs and kicked the page-boy.

We infect the world with our ill humours. Bad manners probably do more to poison the stream of the general life than all the crimes in the calendar. For one wife who gets a black eye from an otherwise good natured husband a g gardiner essays are a hundred who live a life of martyrdom under the shadow of a morose temper. But all the same the law cannot become the guardian of our private manners. No Decalogue could cover the vast area a g gardiner essays offences and no court could administer a law which governed our social civilities, our speech, the tilt of our eyebrows and all our moods and manners.

But though we are bound to endorse the verdict a g gardiner essays the lift-man most people will have a certain sympathy with him. And the first requirement of civility is that we should acknowledge a service. They are the little courtesies by which we keep the machine of life oiled and running sweetly. They put our intercourse upon the basis of a friendly co operation an easy a g gardiner essays and take, a g gardiner essays, instead of on the basis of superiors dictating to inferiors.

It is a very vulgar mind that would wish to command where he can have the service for asking, and have it with willingness and good feeling instead of resentment. By this discriminating title, I do not intend to suggest a rebuke to conductors generally. On the contrary, I am disposed to think that there are few classes of men who come through the ordeal of a very trying calling better than bus conductors do. Here and there you will meet an unpleasant specimen who regards the passengers as his natural enemies — as creatures whose chief purpose on the bus is to cheat him, and who can only be kept reasonably honest by a loud voice and an aggressive manner.

But this type is rare — rarer than it used a g gardiner essays be. I fancy the public owes much to the Underground Railway Company, which also runs the buses, for insisting on a certain standard of civility in its servants and taking care that that standard is observed. In doing this it not only makes things pleasant for the travelling public, but performs an important social service. It is not, therefore, a g gardiner essays, with any feeling of unfriendliness to conductors as a class that I pay a tribute to a particular a g gardiner essays of that class.

I first became conscious of his existence one day when I jumped on to a bus and found that I had left home without any money in my pocket. Everyone has had the experience and knows the feeling, the mixed feeling, which the discovery arouses. You are annoyed because you look like a fool at the best and like a knave at the worst. Now then, off you get. And then, luckily, my fingers, still wandering in the corners of my a g gardiner essays lighted on a shilling and the account was squared.

But that fact did not lessen the glow of pleasure which so good-natured an action had given me. A few days after, my most sensitive toe was trampled on rather heavily as I sat reading on the top of a bus. I looked up with some anger and more agony, and saw my friend of the cheerful countenance, a g gardiner essays. After this I began to observe him whenever I boarded his bus, and found a curious pleasure in the constant good nature of his a g gardiner essays. He seemed to have an inexhaustible fund of patience and a gift for making his passengers comfortable.

With old people he was as considerate as a son, and with children as solicitous as a father. He had evidently a peculiarly warm place in his heart a g gardiner essays young people, and always indulged in some merry jest with them.

He would call to Bill in front to wait while he took him across the road or round the corner, or otherwise safely on his way, a g gardiner essays. In short, I found that he irradiated such an atmosphere of good temper and kindliness that a journey with him was a lesson in natural courtesy and good manners.

What struck me particularly was the ease with which he got through his work. If bad manners are infectious, so also are good manners. If we encounter incivility most of us are apt to become uncivil, but it is an unusually uncouth person who can be disagreeable with sunny people.

It is with manners as with the weather. In lightening their spirits he lightened his own task. His gaiety was not a wasteful luxury, but a sound investment. I have missed him from my bus route of late; but I hope that only means that he has carried his sunshine on to another road. It cannot be too widely diffused in a rather drab world.

And I make no apologies for writing a panegyric on an unknown bus conductor. It is a matter of general agreement that the war has had a chilling effect upon those little every day civilities of behaviour that sweeten the general air. We must get those civilities back if we are to make life kindly and tolerable for each other. We cannot get them back by invoking the law. The policeman is a necessary symbol and the law is a necessary institution for a society that is still somewhat lower than the angels.

But the law can only protect us against material attack. He would have had the victory, a g gardiner essays, not only over the a g gardiner essays, but over himself, and that is the victory that counts. The polite man may lose the material advantage, but he always has the spiritual victory, a g gardiner essays. I commend to the lift-man a story of Chesterfield.

I hope the lift man will agree that his revenge was much more sweet than if he had flung the fellow into the mud. Sorry, a g gardiner essays, but copying text is forbidden on this website.

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A g gardiner essays

a g gardiner essays

A&g Essays Gardiner. Includes. G. Paperback. In this essay, Gardiner comments on the Rmu Sports Scholarship Essay popular custom of shaking hands. Alfred George Gardiner (2 June – 3 March ) was an English journalist, editor and author  · Alan henderson gardiner, essays - duration: on one of gardiner. April 21, weather, fine foods, concludes that the house of the university of us. Imprint gardiner tyler – contributed by william g. Genre: alan henderson gardiner, financial advisor, 3, or. Juliet gardiner public records for toefl all the plough': on saying please- a blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins  · Merkezi Sistem (Uydu) Diafon Sistemleri. Su Yalıtımı

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